Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 24 th November 2010 at the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Windmill Lane Northam at 7.00 pm


Present: Cllrs Hames (Chairman), Mrs Boyle, Mrs Collins, Edwards, Langton (Town Mayor) Osborne and Tisdale

In Attendance: Cllrs Braund and Eastman

Mrs M J Mills, Town Clerk

Members of the public


1011/440 Chairman's announcements

There were no announcements

1011/441 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Biggs


1011/442 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests should be declared prior to the item being discussed.


1011/443 To agree agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the Agenda as published.


1011/444 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning meeting held 10 th November 2010

It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held 10 th November 2010 as a correct record, after deleting a sentence in minute 1011/425 reference 1/0928/2010/FULM. This application is for an increase in the number of properties to be built, this affects the affordable housing ratio.


1011/445 Torridge District Council Planning Applications:

Torridge District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Town Council on the following planning applications: -

It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of Torridge District Council in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the applications below, were preliminary taking account of the information matters) was on the basis that the views expressed made available at the time to the Town Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the

Applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.



Location: 7 Silver Street, Appledore

Applicant: Mrs S Bainbridge

Proposal: Extension to the side/rear of the existing property

It was unanimously resolved to recommend to Torridge District Council that this application be APPROVED



Location: Land at the Mount, Appledore

Applicant: Appledore Community Land Trust

Proposal: New access to field adjacent to the Mount – amended plan

Cllr Eastman declared a prejudicial interest, gave a brief presentation and left the room. Cllr Mrs Boyle declared a personal interest and left the room and Cllr Tisdale declared that he would abstain.


It was resolved with 3 votes in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention to recommend to Torridge District Council that this application be REFUSED for the same reasons as previously, the site is landlocked with the only access being through a cul-de-sac. Also it is a Greenfield site.


Location: 80 Atlantic Way, Westward Ho!

Applicant: R J Belcher & R J Goode

Proposal: Extension of time of Planning permission 1/0983/2007/FUL – demolition of existing building and erection of 14 no dwellings and associated works.


It was unanimously resolved to note the application.



Location: 3 Westcroft Terrace, Irsha Street, Appledore

Applicant: Mr N Handel

Proposal: Proposed dormer window, new windows/doors, works to rear


It was resolved to recommend to Torridge District Council that this application be APPROVED providing the work is in keeping with surrounding properties and there was sympathetic use of materials.



Location: The Old Custom House, South Jubilee Road, Appledore

Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Lane

Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling


It was resolved to recommend to Torridge District Council that this application be REFUSED on the grounds that the new development is much greater than the existing footprint. The property would be much higher than adjoining properties, the use of the materials and the design are out of keeping with the historic area, which we understand is a Conservation area. The proposed entrance is on the Lifeboat slipway, also there would be impact on neighbouring properties. We also understand that there was an agreement that the existing property could not be occupied for the full twelve months of the year. Northam Town Council would also request that should this application be called in there would be a site visit.


Cllr Tisdale abstained.

1011/446 Torridge District Council Notice of Appeal

It was resolved to note that Torridge District Council, the determining Authority, has notified that and appeal has been made on the following application:



Location: Appletree Gardens, Hanson Park, Orchard Hill

Applicant: Chichester Homes Ltd

Proposal: Erection of 4 dwellings, Appletree Gardens, Hanson Park

Appeal reference: APP/W1145/A/10/2139185NWF

Appeal Start date 8 th November 2010 by written statements by the parties and a site visit by an Inspector.



1011/447 To consider the questionnaire from Torridge District Council on the consultation re West Appledore and Odun Road car parks


It was resolved to circulate the questionnaire to all Members and place the item on the next full Council meeting.  


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.10 pm