Minutes of the Town Projects Meeting held on 24 th May 2010 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Windmill Lane, Northam at 10.00am


Present: Cllrs Miller (Chairman), Edwards, Hames, Osborne and Langton from minute 1005/70

In attendance: Mrs Jane Mills Town Clerk


1005/54 To appoint a Chairman for the ensuing year

It was resolved to appoint Cllr Miller as Chairman for the ensuing year.


1005/55 To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year

It was resolved to appoint Cllr Osborne as Vice-Chairman.


1005/56 Chairman's announcements

A possible press release regarding Appledore Park was read out. The Clerk was instructed to ask if the wall can painted as part of the works. The Clerk was also asked to check with Torridge on ownership of seats within the Council area also to check the Council asset register.


1005/57 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Cox Johnson and Hames.


1005/58 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests should be declared prior to the item being discussed.


1005/59 To agree agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the agenda as published.


1005/60 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Town Projects Meeting held on 30th April 2010

It was resolved unanimously to confirm and sign the minutes as a true record of the meeting.


1005/61 To consider dog bins and disposal bags

The Clerk advised on costings for provision of dog bags and it was resolved to put

a decision on hold at the present.


1005/62 To consider other areas for allotments

The area required for further allotments would need to be in the region of one and a half acres. The Clerk was asked to contact Torridge to check on the amount of land available and agenda the item again for the next meeting.


1005/63 To consider positioning of noticeboards in Town Council areas

It was resolved to ask Torridge if a Council notice board could be erected in the Westward Ho! Car park and the Clerk was asked to get prices for noticeboards and

place the matter on the next agenda.

1005/64 To consider website update and various issues

There was nothing further to report at present.

1005/65 To consider update at Northam Hall

Tenders have been received and the two lowest quotes have been returned to the architect for an itemised breakdown of the costings

1005/66 To consider appointment of maintenance staff

It was resolved that Cllrs Miller, Edwards and the Clerk should prepare a job description and the Clerk would also investigate employment through Leader+

1005/67 Update on Hanging Baskets

The missing hanging baskets have been received and the Clerk was asked to arrange their installation and also two additional baskets which have been purchased for the entrance to the Town Hall.


1005/68 To consider an update on the Burrough Farm allotments

•  Fencing

It was resolved to accept a revised quote for fencing of a reduced height.

•  Vehicular access

The response from solicitors was discussed and it was resolved to investigate further through the land registry.

•  Hedging

The Clerk advised on costings for the proposed hedge and was asked to confirm the make- up of the plants to be included for the next meeting. The question was asked as to whether or not hedging might impoverish the allotment soil, but it was felt that it would be sufficiently distant not to cause a problem.

•  Agreement with Football Club

The map of the field is awaited and the Clerk will chase this up, plans with the Football Club will progress when this is received.

•  Ongoing works

It was resolved to get the grass cut.


1005/69 To consider correspondence

e-mail re dog/litter bins

e-mail re hanging baskets

A response re a request for a dog bin was received and an update on litter bins.

With regard to the e-mail concerning hanging baskets, the Clerk was asked to advise the writer that the decision relating to hanging baskets had been, to put them where the Christmas trees had been previously and that Torridge District Council was entirely incorrect in its press statement regarding a pledge by the Town Council.


1005/70 To consider signage in all areas (referred from Full Council)

Cllr Langton arrived at the meeting and gave his apologies

It was resolved that ward members would visit all areas and bring reports to the next meeting where the matter could be considered more fully

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.35 am