Minutes of a meeting of the Town Projects Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Thursday 14 th January 2010


PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr R W A Miller

Members - Cllrs Mrs M Cox, B Edwards, R Johnson, C Langton, together with 1 resident, Mr D Avery, for item 2.

Apologies were recorded on behalf of the Town Mayor, Cllr R H Osborne and Cllr P Hames

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the Town Projects Committee held on 2 nd December 2009 were approved and signed.

(Vote: Unanimous)

2. Anchor Park

Mr David Avery referred to discussions that he had with Cllr Hames regarding the possibility of securing funds for the improvement of Anchor Park. Mr Avery advised that he had spoken to the Community Council of Devon who had advised him to contact Play England which was a national QUANGO who were the body responsible for providing grant aid. It would appear that consultation is the first step in any project but that the organisation had enormous funds at their disposal and were looking for new ideas and good projects that would help community life. He also mentioned the discussions he had in the village to ascertain the use of the site and it would seem that it is mainly used by the primary school, after school hours. He advised that the Prince's Trust were keen to help. Discussions had taken place with the District Council who had provided advice but unfortunately had no money to offer. He intended to carry out further consultation and to come back with a plan.

3. Seagate Hotel Site

Members discussed the future arrangements with regard to the management of this site and it was agreed that a meeting be held with the tenant and Councillors Miller, Edwards and Johnson were nominated to attend.

4. Blackies Plantation

The Town Clerk advised that responsibility for the maintenance now fell to the Council as the lease with the District Council had been completed. It was agreed that for this forthcoming season the existing arrangements with Landscapes South West be continued.

5. Burrough Farm

It was reported that an Association was being formed to manage the new allotments and it was hoped that all those on the waiting list that wished to be on Burrough Farm would be accommodated. With regard to the agreement with the Football Club it was agreed to have a meeting with the Chairman to formalise the arrangement and Councillors Miller and Johnson were nominated.

6. Grass cutting at the War Memorial site

It was agreed to invite quotations to maintain the current standard.

7. Grounds maintenance at Northam Hall

It was agreed to invite quotations to cut the grass to the same standard as the War Memorial site.

8. Shrub beds – Fore Street

It was agreed to invite quotations to clear the beds of all existing planting and prepare them for new planting. It was also agreed to invite the Secret Garden to prepare and provide a suitable planting scheme, possibly based on herbs.

9. Road Safety

It was agreed to write to the local County Councillor requesting a meeting with himself and appropriate County Officers to discuss Road Safety in the area.

10. Hanging baskets

Members discussed the best way forward for the forthcoming season. The hanging baskets in 2009 were not a total success and were expensive to maintain. It was thought that a better solution was to provide artificial flowers and it was agreed to obtain more information.

11. Any other matters

Members discussed the maintenance of the many areas which are coming under Northam Town Council's control e.g. Anchor Park, War Memorial site, Northam Hall, flower and shrub beds. It was agreed that as time was short this year that arrangements be made as indicated above in minutes 4, 6, 7 and 8. However, for future years it was agreed that a detailed specification be prepared in order to improve the visual appearance of the area.

Members also expressed concern that there were some beds in Appledore and Northam which belong to, or are controlled by, Torridge District Council but are not being looked after.