Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council's Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Tuesday 29th April 2008.

PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr C K Langton

Members - Cllrs Mrs P D Biggs, Mrs S Collins, Mrs M M Cox,

J Braund, A Eastman, B M Edwards, P Hames, R Johnson, R H Osborne, S Robinson, R M M Tisdale together with 6 parishioners

Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllr R W A Miller

1. Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council's Planning/Licensing Committee held 16 th April 2008 as amended were approved and signed.

Cllr Hames advised that he understood that with regard to planning application 0370/08 – land opposite 6 Eastbourne Terrace – that the resolution included concerns that the proposal would result in a lack of amenity. It was RESOLVED to amend the minutes accordingly.

(Vote: Unanimous)

Cllrs Mrs Cox and Robinson made the following statement:-

“As both a Town and District Councillor I wish to make it clear that I will reconsider the matter(s) at the District level, taking into account all relevant evidence and representations at the District Council's Plans Committee”.

2. Planning applications

1275/07 Land at Raleigh Hill, Northam – Proposed retirement care village.

RESOLVED - The Council maintains its previous objections to this development. With regard to this particular application the Council recommends refusal. The current Raleigh Hill is inadequate for more traffic and is only 4.6 metres wide at some points. There is insufficient information with the application to make any judgement on the suggested road improvements. The proposal for a mini roundabout at the junction with Heywood Road raises concerns that this may be used by residents of Hanson Park who on exiting from Hanson Park and wishing to turn right to go to Northam or Barnstaple say, would in fact turn left and use the roundabout for the purposes of executing a U turn. Is this going to be acceptable in highway terms?

It is further understood that the Local Plan Inspector rejected development of this land as the access would be unsatisfactory.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0344/08 Proposed extension to the side/rear of existing property. 7 Silver Street,

Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0384/08 Proposed erection of 13 detached two storey dwellings together with proposed new access road and associated works. Land located off Hanson Park – RESOLVED - Recommend refusal. Concerned about overlooking. Proposed two storey dwellings would overlook existing bungalow. Over-development of the site. Concerned about traffic problems, particularly the junction with Heywood Road. The application is within 20 metres of a stream and not as declared on the application.

Cllr Johnson declared a personal interest and left the meeting after making a statement.

Cllr Mrs Cox declared a personal interest.

Cllr Mrs Boyle joined the meeting at this juncture.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0388/08 Retrospective application for conservatory to rear garden - 37 The Fairways, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0391/08 Proposed erection of dwelling. Land adjacent to 3 Venton Drive,

Westward Ho! – RESOLVED - Recommend refusal. Gross over-development of the site and contrived unsatisfactory access through Aysha Gardens. Concerned about flood risk.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0398/08 Proposed removal of existing conservatory and erection of single storey extension - 11 Yeo Drive, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0400/08 Proposed two extensions to bungalow and new detached garage - 26 Riversmeet, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0408/08 Proposed extension to first floor bedroom with new double garage - 2 St Teresa's Close, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

3. Draft Planning obligations

It was agreed that Members would study the documents and that the matter would be discussed at a future meeting.