Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council's Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Tuesday 26th February 2008.

PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr C K Langton

Members - Cllrs Mrs A J Boyle, Mrs S Collins, J Braund A Eastman P Hames, R W A Miller,

R H Osborne, R M M Tisdale together with 3 parishioners

Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs Mrs P D Biggs, Mrs M M Cox, B M Edwards, R J Johnson and S Robinson

1. Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council's Planning/Licensing Committee held 13 th February 2008 were approved and signed.

(Vote: Unanimous)

2. Planning applications

1017/07 Proposed replacement of existing dormer window casements - 32a Irsha Street, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval

(Vote: Unanimous) 0040/08 Proposed installation of extractor duct and concrete lintel (above the duct hole) - 9A Fore Street, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0069/08 Proposed lowering of existing parapet/boundary wall. Bonehill Farm Lakenham Hill, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0098/08 Proposed residential development plots 10,11 & 12 (amended layout), to be read alongside Reserved Matters application 0099/08 pursuant to outline consent 1984/05. Land at Highfield Manor Nursing Home, Bay View Road, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval but would express the same concerns as when this application was being considered previously, ie. Concerned about density. Should there be an increase in the number of properties then a proportion need to be affordable homes. Concerned about existing trees and hedges and would request that the Council's Tree Preservation Officer be asked to report. Sustainable urban drainage scheme for surface water required. Policy DVT8 needs to be implemented. Keep the old stone walls. Concerned about foul drains, as sewers in this area are not adopted.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0099/08 Proposed residential development for 13 units (reserved matters application for Plots 1 – 9 and Plot 13) together with associated highway works and foul sewer pumping station. Land at Highfield Manor Nursing Home, Bay View Road, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval but would express the same concerns as when this application was being considered previously, ie. Concerned about density. Should there be an increase in the number of properties then a proportion need to be affordable homes. Concerned about existing trees and hedges and would request that the Council's Tree Preservation Officer be asked to report. Sustainable urban drainage scheme for surface water required. Policy DVT8 needs to be implemented. Keep the old stone walls. Concerned about foul drains, as sewers in this area are not adopted.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0128/08 Proposed new dwelling – resubmission of planning application 0704/07 – Sutton Raleigh, Mount Raleigh – RESOLVED – Recommend Refusal – Roads inadequate to cope with the increase in traffic and general road safety problems.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0132/08 Proposed demolition of existing private garages and erection of 4 storey block of 6 flats with undercroft parking. Land adjacent to Puffins, Torridge Road, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend Refusal – Out of scale, out of keeping for the area. Contravenes policy DVT6. There is no amenity space, over-development of the site and is too high, contravenes policy DVT7. Would have a serious impact on neighbours, policy DVT11. Over-looking West Farm and Victoria Crescent. Over all the proposal would not integrate with the area. Original outline was for two dwellings. Concerned about the highway impact and sewerage capacity.

Cllr Mrs Collins and Cllr Mrs Boyle declared interests in this application and left the meeting for this item.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0133/08 Proposal to raise roof on bungalow to create 3 bedrooms in roof space. Minor alterations to ground floor layout. Provision of solar water heating panels on south facing roof. Amulet, 1 Nilgala Close, Raleigh Hill –

RESOLVED – Recommend Approval providing there are no over-looking problems.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0137/08 Proposed demolition of existing outbuildings and retaining wall to south

0138/08 of existing rear courtyard and the formation of new utility building and

lobby, together with the formation of a new courtyard and access steps. 32A Irsha Street, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend Approval

(Vote: Unanimous)

0146/08 Proposed installation of 2 roof windows and internal works to

accommodate smoke ventilation area. 6 & 7 The Quay, Appledore –

RESOLVED - Recommend Approval – Council expects the

Conservation Officer to be involved in this application. The features and character of the building need to be maintained.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0147/08 Proposed alterations, extension, balcony and alterations to access. Puffins, Torridge Road, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend Refusal – Concerned about the size and overlooking of Irsha Street, Victoria Crescent.

(Vote: Unanimous)

3. Consultation on draft Licensing Policy – Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licences

Members considered the letter from the District Council regarding the above consultation and it was RESOLVED that Members would make their individual responses.

(Vote: Unanimous)