Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council's Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Tuesday 29th January 2008.


PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr C K Langton

Members - Cllrs Mrs P Biggs, J Braund, A Eastman, P Hames, R W A Miller, R H Osborne, R M M Tisdale and S Robinson together with 3 parishioners

Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, B M Edwards

1. Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council's Planning/Licensing Committee held 16 th January 2008 were approved and signed.

(Vote: Unanimous)

2. Planning applications

Councillors Robinson and Tisdale made the following statement:-

“As both a Town and District Councillor I wish to make it clear that I will reconsider the matter(s) at the District level, taking into account all relevant evidence and representations at the District Council's Plans Committee”.

138/07 Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 11 dwellings including alterations to access, Amended Plans Four Winds, Cornborough Road – RESOLVED –Recommend Refusal – The Council would reiterate its previous objections to this scheme and would advise that the density is inappropriate and far greater than the surrounding properties. The proposal is out of keeping with the surrounding area and there is serious overlooking from the new proposed properties on the northern boundary which overlook existing bungalows and this will be further exacerbated by the proposals which have balconies at first and second floor levels.

(Vote: Unanimous)

Cllr Mrs Biggs joined the meeting at this juncture.

1476/07 Proposed two storey extension and loft conversion - Rosepatch, Goats Hill Road, Northam – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0025/08 Proposed single storey rear extension - Woodbury, Buckleigh Road – Recommend approval.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0047/08 Proposed double storey rear extension and raised decking area to rear. Rhyswood, Torridge Road, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0059/08 Proposed new dwelling and associated site works - Land between 106 and 110 Bay View Road – RESOLVED – Recommend refusal – Proposal is too big for the plot resulting in over-development and serious loss of light. Concerned about overlooking problems.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0026/08 Proposed insertion of Perspex dome on lean-to style roof of side extension – Waynflete, Chope Road, Northam – RESOLVED -

(Vote 8 For, 1 abst)