Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council’s Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Wednesday 29th March 2006


PRESENT:     Chairman   -    Deputy Town Mayor – Cllr K A Lane

                        Members   -    Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, A Barnes, R D Bradford MBE, A Eastman,

                        L Ford, P Hames, R Miller, R Tisdale, P Waters


Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllr Mrs S A Mounce, E J Davies and A Eastwood OBE


1.         Minutes


The minutes of the meeting of the Town Council’s Planning/Licensing Committee held 15 March 2006 were approved and signed.


(Vote: Unanimous)


2.         Planning applications


0105/06           Proposed deployment of 15-metre radio base station mast, 2 equipment

cabinets and ancillary development.  Land at BAAC Football Club, Churchill Way, Appledore – RESOLVED -  Recommend Refusal.  Council is very concerned about this application and is in support of the points put forward by the objectors, Mr Heffer and Mr Blanchard.  The application is also misleading as the structure is clearly higher than 15 metres, whereas the statement on the application says it is for a 15-metre mast.   This is an area of great landscape value and the proposal seems to break Local and Structure Plan Policies.  Health reports on these masts appear inconclusive and have advised that a precautionary principle should be taken and that school site and similar locations should be avoided.  The football pitch is used by the youth of the area and it is thought they would be one of the groups where this precautionary principle should be enforced. 


(Vote: 8 For, 2 Abst)


            0251/06           Proposed two-storey extension to dwelling – revised scheme - 

Ravenscragg, 6 Staddon Road, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.


Cllr Ford declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting whilst this application was considered.




            0313/06           Proposed conversion of existing chalets to 2 and 3 storey

Westward Ho! Beach Holiday Park, Bath Hotel Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.




            0329/06           Retrospective application for raised decking at rear of house -

5 Yeo Drive, Appledore – RESOLVED - Concerned about privacy and overlooking for neighbours as this site is very steeply sloping.




            0341/06           Proposed roof extension and roof terrace - 5 Lakenham

Cottages, Tadworthy Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval




0387/06           Proposed replacement of 6 timber framed windows and doors with upvc units - 62 Kala Fair, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


(8 For, 2 Abst)


            0423/06           Proposed Advertising sign – historical display - Richmond Dock Wall,

Marine Parade – RESOLVED - Recommend approval but time limit required.




            0433/06           Proposed erection of 7 garages and 6 stores - Golden Bay Holiday

Park, Merley Road, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED - Insufficient information to justify the proposal or for the Council to make a decision.  Council wonders whether this is linked with 365-day occupation of the chalets.




            0441/06           Proposal to build female toilets and extend changing rooms, part of old

changing rooms to be used as a store - Northam Lions Football Club, Burrough Farm – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.


                                    (8 For, 2 Abst)


0473/06           Proposed erection of new garage to side of dwelling, existing garage to become bedroom and shower room - 28 Goodwood Park Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.




0500/06           Proposed change of use of part of tea rooms (office area) to Laundrette - The Sand Cats, 2 Golf Links Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.




3.         Sustainability


Members welcomed the thorough reply from the District Council’s Chief Executive and it was RESOLVED to send a thank you letter and congratulate the Sustainability Officer for doing a good job.




4.         Twelve Holiday Lodges at the Golf Club 

Members considered a letter from the District Council which set out their reasoning for permitting this development.  It was RESOLVED to respond to the Planning Officer to the effect that there is concern that the part of the structure of the Council dealing with the DAWN initiative, where everybody was agreed that the green areas i.e. the rural gaps between the various villages needed to be maintained, and the Officers dealing with the planning applications, were not communicating with each other.  What is the point of drawing up initiatives like DAWN if these are going to be ignored?   

Cllr Ford and Cllr Miller declared a personal interest in this item and did not vote.

 (Vote: 7 For, 3 Abst)