Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council’s Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber,

Windmill Lane, Northam  on Tuesday 25th October 2005


PRESENT:     Chairman   -     Deputy Town Mayor  – Cllr K A Lane

                        Members   -    Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, R W A Miller

together with 3 Parishioners


Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs A Barnes, L Ford, R Tisdale and P Waters.


1.         Minutes


The minutes of the meeting of the Town Council’s Planning/Licensing Committee held 12th October 2005 were approved and signed.   


(Vote: Unanimous)


2.         Planning applications


1839/05           Proposed dwelling - Land at Highfield Manor Nursing Home – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


1891/05           Proposed change of use from retail unit to residential use (lounge). Penkenna, 11 Nelson Road, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


1893/05           Proposed change of use of garage to dining room and provision of additional parking. 18 Ridgeway Drive, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


1897/05           Proposed change roof of extension from profiled cement sheeting-monopitch to a slated duo-pitched and increase width of dormer window by 200mm. 3 Churchfields, Appledore – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


1899/05           Proposed renewal of planning consent granted in 2002 for the erection of 5 bungalows. Land off Avon Lane, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED -

Recommend approval but landscaping scheme required.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous) 


1938/05           Proposed demolition of existing 2-storey extension and erection of

            1939/05           new 2-storey extension to provide 2 no semi-detached 2

bedroomed dwellings plus works to existing -  46 Market Street, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend refusal.  This would be over-development of the site with 2 very tiny properties and would result in more cars in the village.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


1964/05           Proposed erection of conservatory and decking to rear of property and external alterations. Northam Cottage, Limers Lane – RESOLVED - Recommend approval subject to no overlooking problems.


                        (Vote: Unanimous)


1969/05           Proposed new window and balcony - 2 Cross Street, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.

                        Cllr Miller declared a personal interest in this application.


                        (Vote: Unanimous)       


2010/05           Application to regularise the re-design of house under construction because floor levels are higher than that approved. Site to south of Rock House, Orchard Hill – RESOLVED – Recommend refusal.  This has been built incorrectly and the mistake should be rectified.  The higher levels increase the overlooking problems.


                        (Vote: Unanimous)