Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council's Planning/ Licensing Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Tuesday 27th May 2008

PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr C K Langton

Members - Cllrs Mrs A J Boyle, Mrs M M Cox, J Braund,

A Eastman, B M Edwards, P Hames, R Johnson, R W A Miller, R H Osborne, S Robinson, R M M Tisdale together with 1 parishioner

Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs Mrs P D Biggs and Mrs S Collins.

1. Election of Chairman

Cllr Langton was duly elected as Chairman of the Committee.

(Vote: Unanimous)

2. Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council's Planning/Licensing Committee held 14 th May 2008 were approved and signed.

(Vote: Unanimous)

3. Planning applications

0432/08 Extensions and alterations – amended plan. Hillside, Springfield Crescent, Northam – RESOLVED – Recommend refusal as indicated on original application.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0442/08 Partial reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 0010/05 for the erection of a restaurant and bar. The Buccaneer, Bath Hotel Road, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.

(Vote: 10 For, 2 abst)

0465/08 Proposed single storey rear extension - Pitt House, Pitt Hill, Appledore – RESOLVED – Recommend approval.

Cllr Osborne declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting for this item.

(Vote: Unanimous)

0469/08 Retention of dormer window to the rear roof area. 23 One End Street, Appledore – RESOLVED – Recommend Refusal. The window is overbearing and out of keeping. Drawing and what is built do not match. The window must be removed and the roof reinstated.

Cllr Edwards declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting for this item.

(Vote: Unanimous)

4. Area Design Statements and Supplementary Planning Documents

Members considered the revised Area Design Statement Documents in conjunction with Mrs Maria Bailey, the District Council's Planning Officer. In respect of the Appledore Design Statement and following some clarification from Mrs Bailey, it was RESOLVED to accept the document as presented.

(Vote: Unanimous)

With regard to the Northam document it was RESOLVED to delete reference to the Bone Hill car park and insert some stronger references to the traffic problems which needed further consideration and traffic management.

(Vote: Unanimous)

Mention was made of the Orchard Hill ward and Mrs Bailey suggested that a Townscape statement was perhaps more appropriate for this area.

Members then considered the Westward Ho! document and were keen to ensure that the height of buildings was contained and needs to be seen in relation to the wooded escarpment. The previous inappropriate designs were not to set a precedent. There was also concern that there was no reference to flooding as a result of sea level rise. There was also a need for the document to ensure that the individuality of the area is preserved. It was RESOLVED to incorporate suitable paragraphs within the document.

(Vote: Unanimous)