Minutes of an Extraordinary meeting of the Town Council held in the

Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Wednesday 7th July 2004




PRESENT:     Chairman          - Town Mayor – Cllr L Ford                        

  Members           - E J Davies, A Eastwood OBE, P Sturges, Dr P Tamplin,

                          P Waters, T Williams

       and 1 Parishioner   


                    Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, Mrs S A Mounce, Cllrs A Barnes,

                   J A Bell, R D Bradford MBE, A Eastman, K Lane


1.         District Council’s car parking policy


Members considered a letter from the District Council requesting a representative of the Town Council to attend the District Council’s Committee dealing with car parking.  The purpose of the meeting was to examine car parking issues in relation to charges, number of spaces, comparison of charges with other authorities and the concessions issued, together with staff car parking. 


It was noted that Councillors Eastwood and Williams would be sitting on this Committee as Members of the District Council and it was RESOLVED to nominate Councillor Waters as the Town Council’s representative. It was the view of the Town Council at this time that there was insufficient information available to make specific recommendations as to a future car parking policy. However, it was seen as important that the District Council should establish a policy and in order for this to be achieved information needs to be provided on each car park detailing costs, current charging periods, income and usage patterns. It was also necessary to establish the effect on the Council Tax if car parks were made free of charge.