Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 28 th July 2010 at the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Windmill Lane Northam commencing at 7.00 pm

Present: Cllrs Langton (Chairman), Mrs Biggs, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Collins, Mrs Whittaker, Braund, Edwards, Hames, Johnson, Miller, Osborne,

In Attendance: Mrs Jane Mills, Town Clerk

Members of the public

1007/232 Prayers

Sarah attended on behalf of Reverend Ewington and offered a brief prayer.

1007/233 Chairman's announcements

Councillors noted correspondence received re the Schedule 14 application to add a footpath from Northam House to Foxhill, Northam.

The Chairman advised the Councillors about Biosphere Action week. Further information is available from the Council Office.

1007/234 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Eastman, Robinson and Tisdale

1007/235 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests must be declared prior to the item being discussed.

1007/236 To co-opt a Councillor for Northam Ward

There were 5 candidates. All were invited to make brief presentations to the Council following which there was a ballot and Jane Whittaker was declared the successful candidate and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. The Chairman thanked the other candidates for their attendance and interesting presentations and reminded them all that there will be elections next May for this Council and he hoped that they would feel happy to apply.

1007/237 Presentation by Wendy Dale Appledore RNLI

Wendy Dale gave a brief presentation regarding the naming of the Appledore Lifeboat on 19 th September and spoke of the need for some funding for this very important day. It was resolved to donate £400 to the Appledore Lifeboat (Section 137 expenditure).

Cllr Miller declared a personal interest.

1007/238 To agree the agenda between Part A and Part B (confidential information)

It was resolved to agreed the agenda between Part A and Part B

1007/239 To consider acceptance of Standing Orders and change of name of Finance Committee to Finance and Personnel Committee

It was resolved to hold a meeting on 25 th August following the Planning Meeting when Standing Orders, Committees and Financial Regulations will be discussed with a view to referring them to the next full Council meeting for acceptance.

1007/240 To consider acceptance of Financial Regulations

See above

1007/241 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 30 th June 2010 as a correct record

It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the full Council Meeting held 30 th June 2010 as a correct record subject to the following amendments:-

1006/171 – The addition of the name of the two claimed footpaths and the insertion of “Public Rights of Way” before “Committee”;

1006/176 – PPR to be amended to “Policy Performance and Resources” and “improvement to” to be inserted before the “Village Green”.

1007/242 To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees previously circulated:

Town Projects Committee – 14 th June;

Planning Committee – 16 th June, 30 th June;

Finance Committee – 18 th June

It was resolved to adopt the minutes of Committees and sub-committees previously circulated.

1007/243 To receive a Police Report

The Police gave a brief report and answered questions.

1007/244 To consider the public toilet at Northam Community Centre

Cllr Hames spoke briefly about the toilet and then declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting. It was resolved to make a donation of £150 towards the cost of cleaning the toilet with the proviso that the Community Centre keep it open as a public toilet. (Public Health Act 1936 S.87 expenditure).

1007/245 To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the clerk for action, or to the next council meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the meeting to the Town Council office.

No questions were received.

1007/246 Notice of Motion received from Cllr Tisdale – “As Devon County Council will no longer be funding any weed suppressant operatives this year would this Council consider using the skills of Martin Tucker (who is certified) to spray certain parts of Northam, Appledore and Westward Ho! And Orchard Hill before the season commences after considering less harmful alternatives such as manual treatment”.

In the absence of Cllr Tisdale this motion was rejected but the Clerk advised that she had written to Devon County Council asking for confirmation that they would no longer be funding weed suppressant operatives. To date no reply has been received but Torridge District Council confirmed that this was the case.

1007/247 Notice of Motion received from Cllr Osborne – “That this Council writes to Torridge District Council demanding that Northam Town Council is informed in writing of the dates and venues, including any amendments, of when and where any planning application appertaining to within the Northam Parish boundary (including Appledore, Orchard Hill and Westward Ho!) is to be considered by Torridge District Council.”

This was proposed and seconded. It was resolved to write to Torridge with regard to the motion.

Cllr Mrs Boyle gave her apologies and left the meeting.

1007/248 To consider an update on Quality Status

Nothing further to report at present.

1007/249 To consider an invitation to join the twinning visit to Mondeville

The Mayor is unable to attend at this time but the Clerk was asked to pass the invitation on to the Deputy Mayor.

1007/250 To consider an application from North Devon Mini Register

It was resolved to agree to the application

1007/251 To receive and consider reports from the Town Clerk

•  Monthly Financial Report and additional payments

•  Fundraising training

There were no additional payments and it was resolved to accept the monthly financial report.

The Clerk advised about a fundraising training opportunity

1007/252 To consider membership of TTVS

It was resolved to agree to membership of TTV

1007/253 To consider an offer from the Community Council of Devon to assist with a review and update of the Parish Plan

It was resolved to accept the offer from the Community Council of Devon

1007/254 To consider a nomination for the Torch Trophy Trust Award

Cllr Miller advised Councillors about this award and will prepare a nomination to put forward to Council.

1007/255 To consider exploration of opportunities for renewable technologies in the Council area

Council resolved to note this matter.

1007/256 To consider correspondence from the Potwalloping Festival committee

It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders and a representative from the Potwalloping Festival Committee advised that this Committee has now been dissolved mainly because of the difficulties surrounding safety matters for putting on an event such as this.

It was resolved to reinstate Standing Orders.

1007/257 To consider Street Matters

It was resolved to note the road closures advised. The matter regarding parking in Pitt Avenue and the relevant signage was raised and the Clerk was asked to contact the County Councillor requesting removal of this sign.

1007/258 Reports from District Members

Cllr Johnson reported on a football event he had been involved with. He then spoke about the recent decision by Torridge Community and Resources Committee to increase the Burrows season ticket to £210. It was suggested that a letter should be sent immediately to the Chief Executive advising that this Council considered it reprehensible that it has not been notified or consulted. The Council requests an urgent meeting with Torridge and ask them to delay a final decision until this meeting has taken place.

1007/259 Report from County Councillor

There were no reports.


Signed..................................................... Dated............................................