Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 27 th April 2011 at the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Windmill Lane Northam commencing at 7.00 pm


Present: Cllrs Langton (Chairman), Mrs Biggs, Mrs Boyle, from minute 1104/203, Braund, Mrs Collins, Mrs Whittaker, Eastman, Edwards, Hames, Johnson and Osborne


In Attendance: Mrs Jane Mills, Town Clerk

Members of the public


1104/193 Prayers

There was no Minister in attendance


1104/914 Chairman's announcements

The Chairman asked that his thanks to all the staff be recorded and he hoped to have a small gathering in the office during the next week. He then spoke about his charity choice during his term of office and a presentation was made to SSAFA.

A further cheque will be sent to Northam Lodge.


1104/195 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Miller, Robinson and Tisdale


1104/196 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests must be declared prior to the item being discussed.


1104/197 To agree the agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the Agenda as published


1104/198 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 30 th March 2011 as a correct record

It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 30 th March 2011 as a correct record.


1104/199 To receive and adopt the reports of minutes and resolutions contained therein from Committees and Sub-Committees

Planning Committee – 30 th March; 13th April; Town Projects – 6 th April

It was resolved to adopt the reports of minutes and resolutions contained therein.


1104/200 To receive a Police Report

Apologies were received from the police; their report was read and is attached to the minutes.


1104/201 To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All

deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the clerk for action, or to the next council meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the meeting to the Town Council office.

There were none


1104/202 Public Participation

It was noted that Members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

The period of time which is designated for public participation in accordance with Standing Orders shall not exceed 15 minutes.

There were no requests for public participation


Cllr Mrs Boyle joined the meeting at this juncture.

1104/203 To receive and consider reports from the Town Clerk

•  Monthly Financial Report and list of payments and a monthly bank reconciliation

It was resolved to accept the reports and list of payments from the Town Clerk. There was a request for more information on the DALC subscription to be provided at a later meeting.


1104/204 To consider a recommendation from Town Projects

To recommend to Full Council that if the problems with the Street Lighting cannot be rectified within the next eight weeks then Northam Town Council is withdrawing its support for the scheme and would wish to see the trial scheme cancelled, with full lighting being restored. (The Council supported the scheme fundamentally but the proposals have not been abided with).

A proposal was put forward by Cllr Hames, this did not receive the support of a seconder. A vote was taken on the recommendation from Town Projects. It was resolved by 10 votes to 1 to proceed with the recommendation.


1104/205 Local Council Advisory Service Seminars Venues and Dates 2011

It was resolved to put this on the next Council agenda.


1104/206 Bus Timetable revisions – Cllr Hames to report

Following a report from Cllr Hames, when he advised that the last bus from Appledore now leaves at 8.30 pm, it was resolved to write to both the bus companies expressing the Council's dissatisfaction at the lack of bus provision after 8.30 in the evening. Many people rely on the service and the withdrawal of later buses results in isolation of Appledore. The Council suggested that perhaps the two companies could liaise with each other so that two buses do not arrive together during the day, thus enabling a later service to be provided for the evening.


1104/207 Community Council of Devon – Do you love your community?

Cllr Whittaker has agreed to submit an entry to this competition in respect of provision of the Burrough Farm allotments.


1104/208 Correspondence

      • DCC – Connecting Devon and Somerset – Core Briefing: Superfast Broadband

•  DCC – Devon Tithe Map Project and Tithe Apportionment Transcription by volunteers

•  Senior Council for Devon Issue No 10

It was resolved to note the above correspondence and to write a letter expressing the Council's full support in respect of Superfast Broadband and to forward the letter from Devon County Council regarding the Tithe Map Project to Bideford Volunteer Service.


1104/209 To consider Street Matters

Devon County Council.

•  Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic, Vernons Lane, Northam from Bell

Tower House to Vernons Lane – Market Street Crossroads – Monday 13 th June 2011 – Friday 1 st July 2011

•  Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic – Bude Street, Appledore – Monday 30 th May 2011- Monday 6 th June 2011



•  Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic, Meeting Street, Northam, Bell Tower House to OS No 23 Monday 4 th July to Wednesday 6 th July 2011

•  Correspondence from parishioner re pedestrian refuge, Hanson Park

•  Western Power Distribution – invitation to stakeholder workshop


It was resolved to note all the Traffic Orders and to respond to the parishioner with regard to the pedestrian refuge following a report from Cllr Eastman who advised that he had spoken to the relevant people at the Civic Centre in Barnstaple and that the matter is being investigated as a matter of urgency. Cllr Eastman will make it his business to see that this comes to fruition, supplying the funding if necessary.


It was resolved to note the invitation from Western Power Distribution.


Councillors advised of problems with potholes in Broad Lane, Lundy View and Century Drive and it was agreed to write to Devon County Council. Councillors also advised that the surface in Tomouth Road is very poor and it was resolved to write to Devon County Council about this also.


1104/211 To consider response from Planning Development Manager Torridge District Council re: Revised Local List - Joint Public Consultation

It was resolved that the Chairman and Clerk would deal with a response.


1104/212 Request from Appledore Pilot Gig Club

Request for free parking in Churchfields car park for their Regatta on 21 st August 2011

It was resolved to allow Appledore Pilot Gig Club their request for free parking on 21 st August.


1104/213 Northam Methodist Church – Golden Rendezvous 2011 Sunday May 15 th @ 4.30 pm.

The Chairman advised all Councillors of their invitation to attend the Golden Rendezvous. The Clerk will e-mail the invitation to them all and they should respond as quickly as possible.

1104/214 Reports from District Members

District Cllr Johnson advised that he had been very busy with the James May Project and following its success this will probably be an annual event. The Atlantic Sports will be going ahead from the 23 rd to the 28 th July. The opening and closing ceremonies will be on Bideford Quay and the Sports Village in Victoria Park.

District Cllr Eastman advised that the Lookout pathway was now finished. He also spoke about Tomouth Road. Following many site visits he had been advised that because the concrete is so solid and robust it will be a difficult job to remove. It is proposed currently to fill the gaps between the edges and it will be replaced over the course of time. Unfortunately other areas are more pressing at the moment. He will be attending a site visit on May 10 th when he will be discussing seven issues including the pedestrian island near Hanson Park.


1104/215 Report from County Councillor

County Cllr Mrs Boyle had nothing relevant to report.

County Cllr Eastman advised that the money for the work on the dangerous bend at Appledore has been ring fenced and he has been given assurance that the work will take place in the very near future.


The Chairman then thanked all Members who are not returning to the Council for work they have done and wished all the best to those who are remaining on the Council. Cllr Mrs Collins said it had been a huge privilege to serve on this Council and wished to pass on the comments of someone who had served on previous Councils who told her that more had been done in the past four years than in the time he had served on all previous Councils.


Personal thanks were expressed to Cllr Langton for all his work as Chairman and Mayor. Comment was made that one of Cllr Langton's wishes had been for the ownership of the flagpole at Bone Hill to be returned from Torridge to Northam. A pledge was given that this should happen shortly and Cllr Johnson advised that work on refurbishing it will start soon thanks to a group of volunteers from Asda.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm