Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 30 th March 2011 at the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Windmill Lane Northam commencing at 7.00 pm


Present: Cllrs Langton (Chairman), Mrs Biggs, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Collins, Mrs Whittaker, Eastman, Edwards, Hames, Johnson, Miller, Osborne, Robinson and Tisdale


In Attendance: Mrs Jane Mills, Town Clerk

Members of the press and public


1103/149 Prayers

There was no Minister in attendance


1103/150 Chairman's announcements

There were no announcements


1103/151 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Braund


1103/152 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests must be declared prior to the item being discussed.


1103/153 To agree the agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the Agenda as published after bringing forward agenda item 8.


1103/154 To receive a Police Report

PCSO John McGovern read a report detailing the number of crimes reported for each area. He reported about dog worrying on the Burrows and hoped a Horse Watch would be formed shortly. There will be a crime prevention day on 5 th April at Westward Ho! Councillors were invited to ask questions and the Chairman thanked the police for their attendance and particularly PCSO McGovern for his work with Seize the Moment in getting the Youth Club up and running at Westward Ho!


1103/155 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 23rd February 2011 as a correct record

It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 23 rd February 2011 as a correct record after adding that Cllr Hames left the meeting after minute 1102/09.


1103/156 To receive and adopt the reports of minutes and resolutions contained therein from Committees and Sub-Committees

Planning Committee – 23 rd February 2011, 16 th March 2011

Town Projects – 8 th March 2011

It was resolved to adopt the reports of minutes and resolutions contained therein.


1103/157 To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All

deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the clerk for action, or to the next council meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the meeting to the Town Council office.

There were none

1103/158 Public Participation

It was noted that Members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. The period of time which is designated for public participation in accordance with Standing Orders shall not exceed 15 minutes.

Mr Waters gave a brief presentation regarding the current funding situation at the Appledore Community Hall and explained that the committee might need a temporary loan of £5000 to £10,000 for about sixteen weeks. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether or not this was something that was within the Council's remit.


1103/159 To consider a request from “Seize the Moment”

This request has been withdrawn.

1103/160 To receive and consider reports from the Town Clerk

•  Monthly Financial Report and list of payments and a monthly bank reconciliation

It was resolved to accept the reports and list of payments from the Town Clerk.


1103/161 Correspondence

Village Green Spring issue (held in office)

CPRE Newsletter and membership renewal and Annual report 2010 (held in office)

Letter from John's Supermarket

Letter from Torridge District Council re Local List – Joint Public Consultation (herewith) DALC spring newsletter

Devon County Council Minerals Core Strategy – Options consultation Paper

It was resolved to note the correspondence. The Clerk was asked to write to Torridge District Council and Devon County Council to ask if the time for their consultation responses could be extended until after the elections to allow new Councillors to be involved. With regard to the letter from John's Supermarket, Councillors were informed that the Highways Superintendent would be making a site visit.

Cllr Mrs Boyle gave her apologies and left the meeting.


1103/162 To consider Street Matters

Devon County Council.

Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic, Cornborough Road, Northam, Duckhaven Stud to Petit Bot 28 th March to 5 th April 2011

It was resolved to note the above street closure


1103/163 To consider correspondence from the audit commission in connection with the appointment of an auditor

The Clerk read correspondence from the Audit Commission and no Councillors had any reason to oppose the proposed appointment.


1103/164 Reports from District Members

•  Cllr Robinson advised that District Council meetings had been cancelled.

•  Cllr Tisdale advised that the Village Green at Westward Ho! would be finished by Easter.

•  Cllr Johnson advised that following the meeting re Westleigh Junction, Devon County Council was having another look at the proposals. He also said that at the Community and Resources meeting the previous Monday, charges had now been agreed for the Burrows. It was hoped that the Atlantic Water Sports Festival would go ahead. Torridge had agreed to some funding. The decision should be known shortly.


1103/165 Report from County Councillor

•  Cllr Eastman gave a joint District and County Council report He said that he thought the Westleigh Junction decision was of paramount importance and a major issue. He was disappointed that the Family Fest had to be cancelled because of the charge Torridge would make if the grass was damaged. He hoped it would go ahead next year. The request for signage at Bone Hill car park was in hand and going ahead. The tarmac on Appledore Quay had gone ahead because of the seriousness of injuries to two ladies.

•  Cllr Robinson spoke about the Westleigh Junction and the lack of consultation with Northam and Bideford, he was concerned that matters had progressed too far but it appeared that the County Council had been galvanised into action and he would attend future cabinet meetings.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm