Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 26 th May 2010 at the Council Chamber Council Offices Windmill Lane Northam commencing at 7.00 pm

Present: Cllrs Langton (Chairman), Mrs Biggs, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Collins, Braund, Eastman, Edwards, Hames, Johnson, Miller, Osborne

In Attendance: Mrs Jane Mills, Town Clerk

Members of the public

Member of the press


1005/80 Prayers

It was resolved to accept the recommendation from the Chairman to invite local Ministers for prayers. Cllr Hames wished it to be recorded that he does not see the point of this and considered the invitation a waste of resources.

1005/81 Chairman's announcements

•  Invitation to the Council to attend the Larger Councils meeting on 3 rd June from DAPC

      • Torridge Community Transport wish to attend a meeting and give a talk on their work (the Council agreed to invite them to a meeting).
      • Torridge District Council - letter received regarding volleyball courts and requesting an expression of interest. The Council wished to advise Torridge District Council that they would be interested.
      • Devonshire Homes had contacted the Clerk with reference to a proposed development and wish to attend a meeting. Councillors agreed with her response that it would be inappropriate.
      • An agenda for a forthcoming meeting was received from Torrington Advisory Group.

1005/82 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Cox and Robinson

1005/83 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests must be declared prior to the item being discussed.

1005/84 To agree the agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the agenda between Part A and Part B after moving an item (Annual Town Council 12 th May 2010) from 7 to 6 on the agenda.


1005/85 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 28 th April and 12 th May 2010 as a correct record

It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 28 th April and 12 th May 2010 as a correct record.

1005/86 To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees previously circulated

Finance Meeting 8 th April 2010

Planning Meeting 14 th April 2010

Town Projects Meeting 15 th April 2010


It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the committees and sub committees previously circulated.


1005/87 To receive a report from Mr J Deasey re Appledore Quay

Mr Deasey sent his apologies and this item was deferred to the 30 th June 2010. In the absence of Mr Deasey Cllr Eastman spoke about the damaged railings and the fact that they were the subject of an insurance claim.

1005/88 It was resolved to refer the matter of the Appledore Boat Park to Town Projects with a final decision coming back to full Council.

1005/89 To receive a Police Report

Apologies were received from the Police but they had nothing to report at present

1005/90 To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All

deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the clerk for action, or to the next council meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any

question requiring an answer at the meeting to be submitted at least five

working days before the meeting to the town council office


There were no questions received.


1005/91 Notice of Motion received from Cllr Tisdale – “ As Devon County Council will no longer be funding any weed suppressant operatives this year would this Council consider using the skills of Martin Tucker (who is certified) to spray certain parts of Northam, Appledore and Westward Ho! before the season commences?”

In the absence of Cllr Tisdale it was resolved to defer this to the next meeting but to include Orchard Hill in the proposal.

1005/92 To consider correspondence

      • Countryside Voice
      • Area North Highway Management Road Traffic Closure North East Street Northam - Monday 19 th July to Friday 23 rd July 2010 between 8.00 and 18.00 both dates inclusive.
      • SWH & DCC Road Closure resurfacing works Bay View Road Northam - 21 st to 28 th July inclusive between 8.00 and 18.00 hours.


      • Response from DE & S Helicopters regarding the Search and Rescue Service at Chivenor.


It was resolved to note the above correspondence. Questions were asked as to whether there might be any traffic calming measures included in the resurfacing works at Bay View Road. There are no traffic calming measures planned at present.

1005/93 To consider a report on wind energy from Cllr Hames

Cllr Hames was applauded on his detailed report and it was resolved to submit the document to the relevant authority.

1005/94 To consider an update on Quality Status

There was nothing further to report but a brief discussion took place on distribution of the Annual Report.

1005/95 To consider a recommendation from Finance Committee on the Annual Return

It was resolved to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee that the Annual Return should be accepted.

1005/96 To accept the Annual governance statement

The Annual Governance Statement was read to the Council and it was resolved to accept the Statement in full.

1005/97 To consider an e-mail re Street Lighting

It was resolved to accept the recommendation that the Council do not adopt the street light at Gibbs Lane, Appledore.

1005/98 To consider a request from the Appledore and Instow Regatta Committee for free car parking in Churchfields car park on Saturday 7 th August, the main regatta day.

It was resolved to accede to the request for free car parking on the 7 th August in Churchfields car park.

1005/99 To receive a report from the Chairman of the Finance Committee

All matters were covered by the minutes of the Finance meeting

1005/100 To receive and consider reports from the Town Clerk

Councillors were supplied with a bank reconciliation and resolved to agree to the list of payments which had also been circulated.

1005/101 To consider Street Matters

Councillors raised a number of issues which Cllr Eastman advised he would follow up with the County Council . Cllr Eastman also spoke about dropped kerbs and problems with people parking across them. He is researching requirements for proper enforcement of illegal parking.

1005/102 Reports from District Members

Cllr Johnson reported that consideration of the opening hours at the Tourism Centre in Bideford has been referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

The first event in respect of “Befriending the Over 60s” has taken place and been well received.

Cllr Johnson has just been appointed the new Chairman of the Tidy Town initiative. This will focus on dilapidated buildings and work will be done jointly with a number of agencies.

1005/103 Report from County Councillor

County Cllr Mrs Boyle advised that she had been involved in additional consultations regarding the Hartland lighthouse and was pleased to advise that it will remain open but the beam will be reduced from 22 miles to 8 miles. She was congratulated on the work she did in respect of the lighthouse. The Clerk was asked to agenda the issue of the beam limits for the next meeting.

County Cllr Eastman reported on the pavement at the top of Stoney Lane and it was hoped that works would start soon. He also advised that work would be started on Lovers Lane with planings coming from the Gas Depot in Torrington sometime during the summer.



1005/104 It was resolved t hat under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item as it involves the likely disclosure of confidential information:

1005/105 To consider a recommendation from the Finance Committee with regard to the Clerk's hours

It was resolved to accept a recommendation from the Finance Committee that the Clerk's hours be increased to 30 hours per week with a review in 3 months for further adjustments if necessary.

Clarification was sought with regard to a previous agreement that a grant of £500 had been set aside to be allocated to the Mayor's chosen charity and Cllr Osborne wished to advise that his charity would be the British Heart Foundation.

1005/106 Terms of reference for the Burrows Advisory Business Plan

It was resolved to move this matter to the Finance Committee which would appoint a sub-committee to deal with future matters.

1005/107 It was resolved to readmit members of the press and public

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 pm.