Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Wednesday 28 th April 2010 at the Council Chamber Council Offices Windmill Lane Northam commencing at 7.00 pm

Present: Cllrs Langton (Chairman), Mrs Biggs, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Collins, Eastman, Edwards, Hames, Miller, Osborne, Robinson

In Attendance :Mrs Jane Mills, Town Clerk

Member of the press

1004/41 Prayers

The Chairman advised that he had a draft proposal to be said at Council meetings. This will be circulated and put on the next full Council agenda.

1004/42 Chairman's announcements

•  The Chairman advised receipt of an email regarding the imminent closure of the Appledore Co-op. This was discussed and it was agreed to write to the Co-op expressing concerns about the proposed closure.

      • The Chairman advised the receipt of a request from the Public Catalogue Foundation to produce a list of paintings held in the Council offices. Cllr Miller will liaise with the Clerk.
      • The Chairman read a letter from IPC with regard to proposed offshore wind energy development in the Bristol Channel. Cllr Hames will prepare a report for the next meeting.
      • The Chairman read an email received regarding floral displays in Westward Ho! It was noted and agreed to pass to Town Projects.
      • An email has been received from the County Council detailing which street lights will remain on in the area. This will be circulated to all Councillors.

1004/43 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Braund, Mrs Cox, Johnson and Tisdale.

1004/44 Declarations of interest.

There were no declarations of interest.

1004/45 To agree the agenda as published

It was resolved to agree the agenda as published.

1004/46 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 30 th March 2010 as a correct record

It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and sign the minutes of the full Council meeting held on 30 th March 2010 as a correct record.

1004/47 To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees previously circulated

Finance Meeting 8 th April 2010

Planning Meeting 14 th April 2010

Town Projects Meeting 15 th April 2010


It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the committees and sub committees previously circulated.


1004/48 To receive a Police Report

Apologies were received from the Police as they were not able to be in attendance.

1004/49 To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the clerk for action, or to the next council meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the meeting to the town council office


There were no questions received.


1004/50 To consider correspondence

•  Induction Course Working with your Council

Councillors were invited to advise the Clerk by the end of the week if they wish to attend.

•  Request from Planet Aid to install an unwanted clothing collection bin in Northam

Council felt there were no suitable locations to install a collection bin

•  Details of Parish Lengthsman Service 2010-11(held in office)



•  Invitation to all Cllrs to Golden Rendezvous Northam Methodist Church 16 th May Tea 4.30pm Service 6pm


•  Councillors were asked to advise the Clerk as soon as possible if they wished to attend. The Mayor and Cllr Eastman confirmed their attendance.


1004/51 To review Committee Structures

Planning – It was resolved to revert to the composition of the Planning Committee as resolved in 2005.

Recommendation from Finance Committee – The Finance Committee recommended that in addition to the present committee of four Members, the Chair of Town Projects and Northam Burrows should be added as ex officio members. It was resolved to agree to this recommendation.

1004/52 To consider a review of Standing Orders

It was resolved that the Clerk should draft and circulate a new set of Standing Orders and these will be considered at a future Council meeting .

1004/53 To consider a review of Financial Regulations

It was resolved that the Clerk should draft and circulate a new set of Financial Regulations and these will be considered at a future Council meeting .

1004/54 To consider all signage in the Town Council area

The Chairman read an email received with regard to signage in Appledore. Cllr Eastman gave a report on behalf of himself and Cllr Edwards. Work has been done already on changing the signs and correcting the problems and work in regard to the railings at the Quay has been looked at. All other issues regarding signs to be referred to Town Projects for review and Councillors are invited to submit details of any issues they may have.

1004/55 To receive and consider reports from the Town Clerk

•  Monthly Financial report and approve payments

It was resolved to accept the report and approve the payments.


•  To consider cheque signing authority recommendation from Finance Committee

It was resolved to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee.


•  Annual Return to be approved

The Clerk advised that the annual return has not been finalised.


•  To consider Town Clerk's attendance at SLCC Regional Conference Plymouth 18 th May

•  To consider Town Clerk's attendance at University of Gloucester Summer Seminar 8 th – 10 th July

It was resolved to agree the Town Clerk's attendance at both these events.

•  To consider working hours of the Town Clerk

It was resolved to refer this to the Finance Committee


1004/56 To consider working towards Quality Status

It was resolved to work towards Quality Status and progress reports will be included in future agendas.

1004/57 To consider correspondence regarding claimed slipway at Appledore

It was resolved to pursue the establishment of a public right of way for the claimed slipway at Appledore and also the slipway adjoining the Gaiety in Appledore.

1004/58 Reports from District Members

District Cllr Robinson advised that new governance arrangements had recently been voted upon and he also regretted that fellow District Councillors had been unable to attend the Committee meeting.

Cllr Eastman spoke about his concerns regarding dropped kerbs and will be pursuing adherence to parking regulations

1004/59 Reports from County Councillors

County Cllr Boyle spoke about the issue of the Hartland lighthouse.

County Cllr Robinson spoke about speed ramps and also waste disposal.

County Cllr Eastman spoke about schools in the area, road signs, the Atlantic Array and advised that Babcock Marine are tendering for maintenance work. He asked that a letter of support should be sent from Northam Town Council. He also spoke about potholes and advised that £11.5 million has been allocated to repair them in a sound manner. Appledore Quay will be receiving attention and he has been advised by County Hall that they will be delighted to hand the Boat Park to Northam Town Council. This will come to a meeting for full discussion.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.