Minutes of the Finance Committee held on Friday 18 th June 2010 at the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam at 10.30 am


Present: Cllrs Edwards (Chairman), Mrs Collins, Langton, Miller, Osborne,

In Attendance: Town Clerk, Mrs Jane Mills and Cllr Braund


1006/134 Chairman's announcements

There was a discussion regarding grass cutting at the Seagate car park and Blackies and it was agreed to add these areas to the current contract until the end of September. Paths to be cut at Blackies. This will be ratified at the next meeting. Also to advise the allotment association that it would not be possible to provide a container as the fence has now been erected and the Council will not require any storage currently.

1006/135 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Hames.

1006/136 Declarations of interest

Members were reminded that all interests should be declared prior to the item being discussed.

1006/137 To agree the agenda between Part A and Part B (confidential information)

It was resolved to agree the agenda between Part A and B as published.

1006/138 To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held 20 th May 2010 as a correct record

It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting as a correct record.

1006/139 To consider appointment of a sub-committee

It was resolved to appoint a sub-committee to deal with the Burrows business plans. This would consist of Cllrs Miller, Langton, Edwards, Johnson and the Chair of the Burrows Committee when appointed.

1006/140 To consider upgrade of the photocopier

A decision was deferred until further information was available

1006/141 To consider finance reports and accounts for payments and to review budget figures

It was resolved to accept the finance reports and note the budget figures.

1006/142 To consider Mayoral Allowances

It was resolved to allocate £1500 to a Civic Account budget and £700 to the Mayoral allowance.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.10pm