Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam on Tuesday 10 th June 2008


PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr B M Edwards

Members - Cllrs Mrs S Collins, C K Langton, R H Osborne

Other Members in attendance were Cllrs P Hames and R W A Miller

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 21 st May 2008 were approved and signed.

(Vote: Unanimous)

2. End of Year accounts 2007/2008

Members considered the end of year accounts. It was noted that both income and expenditure had increased over last year's figures. The Town Clerk advised that the accounts balanced and that there were no exceptional matters to report. It was RESOLVED to recommend that the accounts as presented be accepted.

(Vote: Unanimous)

3. Investment in the Nationwide Building Society

The Town Clerk advised that following the decision of the Finance Advisory Committee held on 21 st May 2008 he had further investigated the new account with the Nationwide and realised that this would result in another cheque account. He advised that for security purposes this was an unwise move and recommended that the monies currently held by the Nationwide be transferred to the Town Council's current account with the Co-op. It was RESOLVED to recommend that the funds currently held in the Nationwide account be transferred to the Council's current account.

(Vote: Unanimous)

4. Skate Park – Appointment of Surveyor

The expected quotation from the Surveyor had not arrived in time for the meeting. It was agreed that Cllr Edwards would chase this matter up and in accordance with decisions previously made a Surveyor would be appointed.

5. Water Saving Device

Cllr Hames reported that the Council had previously agreed to consider making available a water saving device. The Town Clerk advised that he was not sure on the legalities of the proposal and that he would need to seek advice. Cllr Hames agreed to let the Town Clerk have details.