Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam

on Tuesday 25th May 2004


PRESENT:     Chairman  -      The Retiring Mayor, Cllr A Barnes for item 1.

Following election of the new Town Mayor,

Cllr L Ford took the Chair.


                        Members  -      Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, Mrs S A Mounce, J A Bell,

R D Bradford MBE, E J Davies, A Eastman,

A Eastwood OBE, K Lane, P J Sturges, P Tamplin, P Waters,

                        together with 19 Parishioners



1.         Election of Town Mayor


The retiring Town Mayor thanked his fellow Councillors for the unexpected opportunity to be their Mayor.  Having served a year it is clear the position has a vital role to play in the community.  There are many unresolved issues awaiting action and he gave as examples, parking at Northam, Westward Ho! flats and the continuing concern over the Northam Community Centre and the lack of public conveniences.  Particular interest and concern was the question of affordable Housing and the future of Northam Burrows.  On the positive side he was pleased that the Town Council was able to assist many clubs and societies.  He thanked his fellow Members and the Residents Associations for all their support. 


On a proposal by Cllr Eastwood OBE, Cllr Ford was elected Town Mayor and duly signed the declaration of Office.  Cllr Ford thanked his fellow Councillors and presented Cllr Barnes with a past Mayor’s Badge. 


            (Vote: All in favour)


2.         Election of Deputy Town Mayor


On a proposal by Cllr Bradford MBE, Cllr Davies was duly elected Deputy Town Mayor. 


(Vote: All in favour)


3.         Appointments to Committees and outside Bodies


It was RESOLVED to make appointments as recorded on the accompanying schedule. 


(Vote: All in favour)


4.         Appointment of Councillor for personnel matters


It was RESOLVED that the Town Mayor be appointed for personnel matters.


(Vote: All in favour)




5.         Review of Standing Orders


It was   RESOLVED to include in the Standing Orders the details from the Devon Association of Parish Councils in relation to Declaration of Interest.


(Vote: All in favour)


6.         Cheque signatories


It was RESOLVED the Town Mayor, retiring Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor be authorised to sign cheques, any two signatures being required together with that of the Town Clerk.


(Vote: All in favour)


Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held in the Council Chamber, Windmill Lane, Northam

on Tuesday 25th May 2004


PRESENT:     Chairman         - Town Mayor – Cllr L Ford                        

Members       -  Cllrs Mrs M M Cox, Mrs S A Mounce, A Barnes, J A Bell,

                         R D Bradford MBE, A Eastwood OBE, E J Davies, A Eastman,

                         K Lane, P Sturges, Dr P Tamplin, P Waters, T Williams

                         together with PC M Tricker, Devon & Cornwall  


   and 19 Parishioners


Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllr T Williams


1.         Minutes


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 27th April  2004 were approved and signed subject to recording that Cllr Eastwood had tendered his apologies.


(Vote: Unanimous)


2.         Matters arising


(a)  Min 2(a) – Sewerage at Westward Ho!


Cllr Bell advised that he was still to pursue this matter as there was a contradiction in the letters from South West Water.  He was still hopeful of being able to see a copy of the discharge notice.


(b) Min 2(c) – Westward Ho Main car park


Cllr Sturges reported that the District Council had agreed to a consultation process with residents with regard to the proposal to develop Westward Ho! main car park.


(c) Min 7(b) – Dog bins on the Burrows


Cllr Bell expressed his concern that the presence of the dog bin and the inadequate servicing of it was resulting in potential health problems.  The District Councillors undertook to take up the matter.


(d) Min 8(b) – Sign at Greysands Crescent


The Town Clerk confirmed that he had not yet had a reply from the District Council and it was RESOLVED to write again.


(Vote: Unanimous)


3.         Appledore Skateboard facilities


Members considered the report and supporting papers of the Town Clerk and received a report from Cllr Sturges who advised that following his discussions with the Appledore Volunteers and the District Council staff, the support by the Town Council would be limited to providing a contingency fund for routine repairs.  A weekly visit would be undertaken by the volunteers and the District Council would undertake the monthly inspections and continue to insure that facility.  If there was a surcharge on the insurance due to the skateboard facility then the District Council may need to come back to the Town Council for additional funding.  It was RESOLVED to advise the District Council that the Town Council would accept responsibility for routine repairs and maintenance up to a maximum of £500 per annum.


(Vote:  Unanimous)


Cllr Sturges left the meeting at this juncture.


4.         Matters of report to/from Community Constable


PC Tricker reported the crime figures for the past month and advised that there had been an increase which was disappointing. 


5.         Notice of Motion from Cllr Waters – That this Council financially supports the Appledore Gig Project and awards a grant of £5,000


Cllr Waters, Cllr Ford and Cllr Eastman, as Members of the Appledore Regatta Committee, declared a prejudicial interest in this matter.  In order that Cllr Waters could describe the project to the Council it was proposed by Cllr Eastwood OBE that Standing Orders be suspended and it was so RESOLVED.


(Vote: 7 For, 5 Abstentions)


Cllr Waters described the Regatta Committee’s project to purchase a gig from a Dartmouth boat builder at a cost of £24,380 for delivery in February 2005.  In addition £1,300 was required for a set of blades.  Local fundraising had taken place and to date a sum of £3,800 had been paid.  Fundraising would continue and applications would be made to the various grant awarding bodies.  He was asking the Town Council to support the project by awarding a grant of £5,000 which would assist the organisers in applying for grants.  The benefit of having a gig at Appledore and being part of the gig-racing programme, which would attract both competitors and spectators, was explained.


At this juncture the meeting was resumed and Cllrs Waters, Ford and Eastman left the room.


At this juncture Cllr Williams joined the meeting.


Members discussed the project and it was RESOLVED to award a grant of £5,000, payable in November 2004. 


(Vote: 8 For, 1 Against, 2 Abstentions)


6.         Town Clerk’s Report


(a)  Monthly Financial Report – The Town Clerk presented the monthly financial report that included payments for this month and it was RESOLVED to accept. 


(Vote: Unanimous)




(b) Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2004


The Town Clerk reported on the financial status of the Council at the end of March 2004 which showed a healthy balance of just over £38,000.  The accounts were approved.


(Vote: Unanimous)



7.         Northam Burrows


(a) Appeal from Open Spaces Society


Members considered a letter from the Open Spaces Society, which was seeking financial support in relation to the erection of fencing on Wisley Common in Surrey.  It was RESOLVED to support the Society and a sum of £200 was approved.


(Vote: Unanimous)


(b) Members items


Cllr Tamplin referred to the letter circulated at the meeting from Devon County Council regarding the reinstatement of the former CARC site.  Following a discussion it was agreed to wait and see how well the grass seed germinates.


8.         Streetworks and related matters


            (a) Cleaning of Direction Signs


In referring to the letter from Devon County Council, Cllr Bradford MBE advised that the work had not yet been done


(b) Heywood Road/Limers Lane Bus Shelter


Members considered a letter from Devon County Council regarding the proposed bus shelter at the Heywood Road/Limers Lane junction.  Cllr Mrs Mounce reported that she had contacted the County Council and they were also willing to provide a shelter at Rydon Garage.  It was RESOLVED to advise the County Council that the Town Council would like to see both shelters provided and that they would accept responsibility for them once erected.


(Vote: Unanimous)


Cllr Williams advised that he had received complaints from parishioners about the bus shelters on Bideford Quay in that they did not offer sufficient protection from the elements.  It was RESOLVED to write to Devon County Council.


(Vote: Unanimous)


At this juncture Cllr Barnes left the meeting.





(c) Seat at top of Stoney Lane


Cllr Waters reported that the seat needs repairing and it was RESOLVED to write to Torridge District Council.


(Vote: Unanimous)


(d) Rubbish alongside Blackies plantation


Cllr Waters reported that abandoned trailers, rubbish etc was lying on this pavement and he would like the County Council to have it cleared up.  It was RESOLVED to write to the County Council asking for action.


(Vote: Unanimous)


(e) Members’ items


Cllr Tamplin reported that the white lines at the junction of Orchard Rise and Chanters Road were almost totally obliterated.  It was RESOLVED to again write to the County Council asking for action.


(Vote: Unanimous)


Cllr Mrs Cox reported that there had been an accident at the Heywood Road roundabout where a vehicle had left the road and ended up in the rear part of Swiss Cottage garden.  It was RESOLVED to write to the County Council expressing concern about the speed that vehicles negotiate the Heywood Road roundabout and questioning whether some form of protective fencing was necessary.


(Vote: Unanimous)


At this juncture Cllr Williams left the meeting.


9.         Planning applications


0783/04           Proposed change of use of land to domestic garden, including

demolition of part of existing boundary wall and erection of wall/fence on new boundary. Land off Odun Road car park, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval but as it is a conservation area a boundary wall is required.  Important that the work is carried out as soon as possible to protect the privacy of the rear gardens of Myrtle Street.


(Vote: Unanimous)


0807/04           Proposed Outline application for residential development of three detached dwellings - Land at Alpha Place, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend refusal.  Serious problems of access with all roads leading to the site inadequate to deal with more vehicular traffic.  The type of property proposed would be out of keeping with the area.  The recently published conservation area appraisal under the Landscape and Trees chapter describes this area of land as a burgage plot which provides a sense of openness when viewed and enjoyed from the back of residential properties.  This proposal would destroy this important landscape.    


                        (8 For, 3 Abstentions)


At this juncture Cllr Lane left the meeting.


0814/04           Proposed ground floor lounge extension - 4 Kenwith Road, Raleigh –

RESOLVED - Recommend approval.    


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0816/04           Proposed conservatory - 19 Bay View Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


(Vote: Unanimous)


0828/04           Proposed erection of garage block. Wellesbourne House, Limers Lane                          - RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


            (Vote: Unanimous)


0830/04           Proposed extension above study to form bedroom. 86 Bay View Road - RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


            (Vote: Unanimous)


0846/04           Proposed erection of house and garage – Revised garage layout and design - 74 Bay View Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0848/04           Proposed dwelling - Land at Diddywell Road - RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0870/04           Proposed conversion of loft to form bedroom -  9 New Street, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


            (Vote: Unanimous)


0872/04           Proposed extension to existing bungalow to form new lounge with minor internal alterations - 6 Gainsborough Drive, Westward Ho! –

RESOLVED - Recommend approval    


(Vote: Unanimous)


0892/04           Proposed conversion of existing derelict barn to garage and workshop - 6 Eastbourne Terrace, Westward Ho! – RESOLVED - Recommend approval but concerned about the historical significance of this terrace. 


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)

0901/04           Proposed installation of extraction system to comply with current Corgi gas regulations – Quay  Gallery, The Quay, Appledore – RESOLVED - Recommend approval subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied.   


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0914/04           Proposed conservatory - 35 Stanwell Drive – RESOLVED - Recommend approval.   


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0916/04           Erection of 2 bed bungalow - Land and workshop opposite 14 Eastbourne Terrace – RESOLVED - Recommend approval but concerned about the historical significance of this terrace and would also question whether Torridge’s sustainability policy is being applied.


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0928/04           Proposed extension to dwelling -  61 Bay View Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0949/04           Proposed extend bedroom area over existing bedrooms with removal of asbestos roof - Old Coachhouse, Kingsley Road, Westward Ho! –

                                    RESOLVED - Recommend approval


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0951/04           Proposed extension - 63 JH Taylor Drive – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


0956/04           Proposed outline application for a dwelling - 79 Richmond Park, Northam – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


Cllr Bradford MBE declared an interest in 0972/04 and left the meeting.


0972/04           Renewal of planning permission - Land off Glentorr Road – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


(Vote: Unanimous)


0987/04           Proposed variance of condition to allow 12 months occupancy - 24 Lenwood Country Club – RESOLVED - Recommend approval


                                    (Vote: Unanimous)


At this juncture Cllr Williams and Cllr Bradford MBE re-joined the meeting.     

10.       Temporary skip service in Bideford


It was reported that the District Council would support a temporary service for Saturdays and Sundays only and that the situation would be monitored. 


11.       Bideford Water Festival


Members considered a letter from Bideford Town Council about dragon boat racing on the Torridge. It was RESOLVED to financially support a team and Cllr Davies undertook to see if the Swimming Club would put one forward.  The estimated cost was £200.


(Vote: Unanimous)


12.       Bone Hill car park


Members considered a letter from the Northam Residents’ Association and Cllr Eastwood OBE advised that he thought the statements made were incorrect.  It was RESOLVED to write to the Association and ask them to justify the statements made and advise the Council how many members were present at the Committee meeting which made the decision to send the letter.


            (Vote: Unanimous)


13.       Matters brought forward at Chairman’s discretion


(a) Cllr Waters raised his concern that the planning application for the bandstand did,

in fact, show the bus stop shelter being removed and he thought it important that Cllrs

Eastman and Ford needed to get across to the District Council that the shelter is

needed.  The Town Mayor reported that he had been assured that the proposal was to

site the bandstand next to the shelter. 


(b) Cllr Waters reported that Appledore Regatta would not be enjoying free parking as the District Council had now established a policy for the whole district whereby if events were taking place in car parks where fees were due then a financial charge would be made.  Cllr Williams reported that the District Council needed to re-look at the whole issue of car parking and despite his best efforts he had been unable to convince the Scrutiny Committee to carry this out.  It was RESOLVED to write to the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee expressing this Council’s concern over the disparity between car parking in the District and that the District Council needs to review their policy and engage positively with the Town Councils. 


(Vote: Unanimous)